Illustration of climbing gear categories

Illustrations for Climbing Brand Product Categories 

The following illustrations were created while I assisted with updates to the Friends and Allies’ website earlier this year. In addition to illustrations for the product categories, we updated the descriptions and added colour backgrounds and watermarks to all the products in the store. 

Read on to hear what makes custom illustrations and unique product images valuable. 

Why Custom Brand Illustrations? 

Icons and illustrations help communicate with your audience and can be an important touchpoint when someone discovers your brand for the first time. You can build rapport and memorability by communicating with a consistent visual language.

Custom brand illustrations give you the opportunity to highlight a niche topic/concept that is meaningful to your community. This is where illustrations shine by carrying your brand’s style and colour palette. You can extend the reach of your new illustrations by applying them across multiple touchpoints with branded t-shirts, fun stickers, or in your Instagram stories. 

animation of illustrations of climbing product categories

When to use Illustrations? 

In a world filled with images, it takes insight and talent to stand out. Illustration lets you quickly put pen to paper and is an ideal tool to attract the eyes of a visitor on a search engine. You can leverage illustrations for your cover image, as a spot illustration, or to create one-of-a-kind icons. 

Cover Image 

Cover or featured images usually appear as a thumbnail in search results and is a visual representation of the post or page’s content. Grab attention with a strong cover image alongside an effective title to encourage visitors to continue reading. It is important these images are titled, have meta descriptions, and are in the correct format and file size. 

Cover photo illustrations of climbing helmet, harness, and shoes

Spot Illustration 

A stand-alone illustration, these typically appear in the body of an article alongside text. It can create brand recognition and typically contains 3-5 illustrated objects in a scene. A simple background helps to soften the image and often provides context. Imagine a climbing story where no photographs of the adventure exist… illustration could help fill in the gaps. 


The small size of an icon means the illustration needs to consider shape and contrast to make an impact. While the size of an icon can be larger in print or on websites, you’ll notice icons for social media are almost imperceptibly small. Line, shape, and contrast need to be carefully considered to keep the subject of the icon legible.  

Adding Colour to Product Photos

We tied the illustrations and products together with the use of one of the brand’s colours. This helps you to stand out in the search results and gives returning customers the confidence to find your brand in the haystack.

Interested in Illustrations For Your Product Categories? 

Make contact to commission a series of illustrations to meet your brand’s needs while matching your existing visual language. 



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